Singing in pitch is natural for some, comes with training for many, but for a few it may be a hard work. Unlike playing an instrument where an external object makes the sound and the player operates it, in singing the singer is the player as well as the one who makes the sound. So singing in pitch or to have accurate intonation is very important for a singer. The act of singing involves active listening, recognising the pitch and then replicating and matching the frequency.

In listening the singer actively and intently listens to the nature of the pitch and the texture of sound. One questions and thinks whether the sound they are listening to is high or low, shrill or deep and light or heavy, straight or wavy. All this happens internally and the brain processes it as the auditory system receives these sound signals. Thats why this step of listening is important and vital in the development a good hearing skills for singers. It is encouraged for those desiring to develop their pitch sense to listen to a lot of unamplified sounds of instruments played.

Once the person identifies the pitch, the next is to adjust the vocal cords the right amount to in order to create the right amount of breath pressure that

“The act of singing involves active listening, recognising the pitch and then replicating and matching the pitch.”

would set the vocal cords in motion to create that particular frequency or pitch. Our auditory system then listens to the sound we made and compares it with the original sound and gives a report saying whether the pitch we sang matches the pitch that was played.

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For some category of singers, the second or third step, sometimes both the steps are impaired. They may find it difficult to either identify the pitch or match the pitch. These category of singers struggle a lot with singing in tune and their singing is characterised by pitch inaccuracies an